- We, the Crown of Caid, hereby grant the Brewer's Guild a Charter, henceforth to be known as the Right Noble Brewer's Guild of Caid. The Chartered Bylaws will define the purpose, operating procedures, standards, ranking and any privileges.
- Section 1. Principal Office
- The Principal Office of the Guild for the transaction of business is located in Los Angeles County, California.
- Section 2. Location
- The Principal Office shall be located at 12351 Sylvan, North Hollywood, California, 91606
- Section 1. Purposes and Objectives
- The primary purposes and objectives for this Guild shall be:
- (a) To provide standardization in the art of Brewing;
- (b) To provide instruction in the art of Brewing to any who are interested;
- (c) To teach the major drinks and varieties;
- (d) To be able to provide drink at select events;
- (e) To provide information for other groups and help them in their studies;
- (f) To help maintain the integrity of a non-alcoholic site;
- (g) To educate the populace in safe, responsible drinking practices;
- (h) Provide training to create a corps of Judges that are certified.
- Section 1. Determination and Rights of Members
- The Guild shall have six classes of members, the rights and privileges to be listed in Addendum A.
- Section 2. Admission, Dues, and Number of Members
- (a) Applicants shall be admitted upon coming to a meeting and stating that they wish to join.
- (b) Annual dues shall be payable yearly in January, or quarterly. Dues are listed in Addendum B.
- (c) There shall be no limit to the number of the membership.
- Section 1. Place of Meeting
- Meeting of the membership shall take place at the time and place that was decided by the Brewer's Council, and placed in the NEWSLETTER or WEBPAGE.
- Section 2. Meetings
- There shall be a minimum of four meetings per year within any branch of the Guild.
- Section 3. Notice of Meetings
- (a) Manner of notice. Notice will be given in the Newsletter, or by mail, or by telephone, or by webpage/e-mail.
- (b) Authorized meeting. If at said meeting any officer, or anyone of Master rank or above is present, this constitutes an authorized meeting.
- Section 4. Voting Rights
- All members have the right to go to any Brewer's Council meeting, speak and be heard, but voting is reserved to those of Master, Grandmaster, or officer rank. All members are eligible to become officers within the council.
- Section 1. Voting Members
- The Crown along with all Officers, Branch Officers, Masters, Grandmasters, and Committee Heads constitute the voting membership.
- Section 2. Members
- All members of the Guild have the right to attend and be heard and to submit proposals to the Council.
- Section 3. Powers of the Ruling Body
- The powers of the ruling body are:
- (a) Setting meeting dates;
- (b) Resolving normal business problems relating to the smooth running of the Guild;
- (c) To amend or change the Bylaws, requiring a 3/4 vote by membership of the ruling body;
- (d) To take care of any other business set forth by the members or by other circumstances.
- (e) Shall train and certify Brewing Judges as per Addendum D.
- (f) While a Senior Judge has the authority to declare the skill for a particular rank has been achieved, and the secretary has the authority to declare that the other requirements have been fulfilled, it takes a 2/3 vote of the Council to create another Brewmaster or Grandmaster.
- Section 4. Policy Decisions
- Policy decisions are temporary additions to the Bylaws/Charter that have the force of full charter.
- (a) Decisions may be made by:
- 1. The Guildmaster;
- 2. The Brewer's Council.
- (b) Decisions may be deleted by:
- 1. The Brewer's Council, by 2/3 vote;
- 2. The Crown.
- Section 5. Quorum and Majority
- Quorum shall be 30% of voting membership, with 51% for regular business or 2/3 vote needed to add a policy.
- Section 6. Meetings
- There shall be a minimum of Four meetings per year, one in each Quarter of the year, to be rotated among the Branches.
- Section 1. Number of Officers
- The officers of the Guild shall consist of the Guildmaster, Chronicler, Secretary/Exchequer, with any other officers needed, voted in according to the laws of the Guild.
- Section 2. Elections and Duties of the Guildmaster
- The Guildmaster shall be elected from among the Journeymen, of one or more years experience at this rank, Masters and Grandmasters for a term of two years. No consecutive terms shall be allowed. The Guildmaster shall be the chief executive officer of the Guild and shall, subject to the control of the Brewer's Council, supervise and control the affairs of the Guild and the activities of the officers.
- Section 3. Election and Duties of the Chronicler
- The Chronicler shall be elected from among all members of the Guild for a term of two years. The Chronicler shall:
- (a) Keep a current copy of the Bylaws;
- (b) Have the power to designate an assistant at a current Active Branch;
- (c) Produce the Newsletter.
- Section 4. Election and Duties of the Secretary/Exchequer
- The Exchequer shall be elected from among all members of the Guild for a term of two years. The Exchequer shall:
- (a) Keep a current copy of the Bylaws;
- (b) Keep all major papers relating to the Guild;
- (c) Remind the Guildmaster of all unfinished business;
- (d) Be responsible for the collection of Guild dues;
- (e) Be responsible for the membership listed;
- (f) Keep track of all ranks and any individual projects started by members; Inform the Guildmaster of Rank advancement for Walk the Boards;
- (g) Be responsible for the writing of checks if the Guild ever has an account;
- (h) Write a report for every six months listing the income and expense of the Guild.
- Section 5. Voting for Guild Officers
- (a) Nominations open July 1;
- (b) Nominations shall be listed in the September Guild Newsletter;
- (c) Ballots shall be in the September Guild Newsletter, and the final count shall be taken at the December meeting. The Guild Council shall decide on any candidate where the vote does not give a result.
- (d) Result shall be in the December Guild Newsletter, with an absent officers being notified by telephone.
- Section 1.
- Any local area that is too far away from the "Central Branch" may start a branch of their own with confirmation of the Brewer's Council.
- Section 2.
- There shall be a Branchmaster and a Secretary.
- Section 3.
- The Branchmaster shall be voted upon, with any member being eligible for office, with the following duties:
- (a) Will host or set up meetings;
- (b) Will make all efforts to see that members get the training that they need;
- (c) Will report to the Guildmaster;
- (d) May request instructors;
- (e) May request a Master to attend a meeting to mediate disputes;
- (f) Will call in those of authority to assist in member qualifications and ranking.
- Section 4.
- The Secretary shall be voted upon, with any member being eligible for office, with the following duties:
- (a) Keep the minutes of the meeting;
- (b) Collect dues and send them to the Exchequer;
- (c) Keep track of all member's ranks.
- Section 5.
- All members of the Branch may attend Brewer's Councils and any function of other Branches with full privileges listed herein.
- The Brewer's Council shall have the right to:
- (a) Call for those reports to be made that are necessary for the smooth running of the Guild;
- (b) Form those committees that are required for the smooth running of the Guild:
- 1. The committee head shall be elected by a majority vote of the Council from among all qualified members of the Guild;
- 2. The committee head shall appoint members of the committee and shall submit a list to the Council;
- 3. The Council may remove a committee member by a majority vote;
- 4. The committee head shall become a Council member and shall remain so until the committee is dissolved;
- 5. The committee shall be dissolved by the council when it has completed it task.
- (c) The Council shall vote on any event that will carry the Guild name, with a 60% majority needed to authorize the event.
- 1. The Council shall elect an event autocrat by a majority vote of the Council from among the qualified members of Guild;
- 2. The event autocrat shall be the head of a committee of autocrats and shall put together the rest of the committee using the guidelines in Policy 6, Section 6, subsections 1 through 5.
- Section 1.
- The Event Autocrat is the Tavern Manager.
- Section 2.
- The Tavern Manager shall be responsible for the planning and running of the Tavern including:
- (a) Soliciting and coordinating Guild home brew donations;
- (b) Soliciting and coordinating Guild volunteers at the tavern;
- (c) Coordinating planning with the event site autocrat;
- (d) Tavern setup, organization, wort roster, and take down.
- Section 3.
- This article is in force from the naming of the Tavern Manager to the end of the Guild Council meeting following the event.
- Section 4.
- The Tavern Manager is required to submit a repot on tavern plans and status at every Guild Council meeting leading up to the event, and to submit a Final Report on the Tavern at the Guild meeting following the event.
- Section 5.
- Any reimbursable costs for the tavern must be approved by a majority vote of the Council before costs are incurred. However, if necessary, the Guild Master can approve an "emergency" expense.
- Signed this _1/6/06_ day of ___________ A.S. _________
King of Caid
- Chamayn II
Basilissa Queen of Caid
- This Charter stands until the Crown signs a newer version
- Requirements for Ranking in the Guild;
- Member
- Requirements: Pay dues
- Obligations: n/a
- Novice
- Requirements: Attend 1 meeting, take novice classes, assist with a brewing
- Obligations: n/a
- Apprentice
- Requirements: Have attended 2 meetings, take apprentice classes, pass 20% of written test, make one batch in any 3 divisions with scores of at least 50
- Obligations: Owe Guild, Local unit, or Brewmaster 5 bottles for use at events
- Journeyman
- Requirements: Have attended 6 meetings (2 must be Council meetings), take Journeyman classes, pass 40% of written test, make two batches in any 7 divisions with scores of at least 70
- Obligations: Owe Guild, Local unit, or Brewmaster 10 bottles for use at events
- Master
- Requirements: Have attended 12 meetings (4 must be Council meetings), take Master classes, pass 60% of written test, Declare a Primary Core group and brew 3 batches in each division of this core with scores of at least 80, In 4 more division in a second core brew 2 batches each with score of at least 70, in 3 more division within the third core make two batches with scores of at least 50
- Obligations: Must teach, Owe Guild, Local unit, or Brewmaster 20 bottles for use at events
- Grandmaster
- Requirements; Have attended 24 meetings (8 must be Council meetings), pass 80% of written test, Write a paper or booklet with Council approval and Submit it to CP, TI, CA, or AC, Must make 2 batches in all the divisions of the two core groups you did not declare Primary as Master with scores of at least 80
- Obligations: Must teach, Owe Guild, Local unit, or Brewmaster 40 bottles for use at events
- A batch is equal to one Gallon which must be at the tasting.
- Privileges for all ranks are being able to attend Guild taste tests, with Brewmasters and Grandmaster being able to attend any Brewing contest within Kingdom.
- Section 1. Dues
- (a) Dues shall be paid by May 1st. The financial year of the Guild is from May to May. Dues shall be prorated quarterly for member joining during a financial year.
- (b) Dues shall be $6.00 yearly.
- Section 2. Non-payment
- Upon payment of dues a member of the Guild shall stay a member with all privileges until the Brewers Council use the following procedures.
- (a) If a member has not paid dues for more than six months after the renewal date this member shall be placed on the inactive list;
- (b) If a member has not paid dues for more than twelve months after the renewal date this member shall be taken off the inactive list and shall lose the privileges of the right to vote in the guild and shall not be able to advance;
- (c) If a member has not paid dues for more than eighteen months after the renewal date this member shall be taken off the list of those who lost privileges and will be dropped from the rolls of the Guild with full lost of rank;
- (d) The dues collected as part of the members requirements to the Guild will be used to pay for guild approved expenses which include, but are not limited to, Guild newsletters, prizes for Guild contest, Guild equipment, Guild events, and other Guild approved expenses.
- Section 3. Types of Drink
- Core A - Beers
- (1) Top Ferment - Light
- (2) Top Ferment - Dark
- (3) Bottom Ferment - Light
- (4) Bottom Ferment - Dark
- (5) Short mead
- Core B - Wines
- (6) Grape
- (7) Fruit
- (8) Long Mead
- (9) Sparkling
- (10) Misc (Flower, Herbal, etc.)
- Core C - Alternative
- (11) Sodas
- (12) Fortifieds
- (13) Liqueurs
- (14) Vinegars
- (15) Special (Khumis, Fermented Fruit, Sauses)
- For Novice
- BASICS - will discuss equipment needed for all categories, materials, acids, ingredients, fermentation, closures, bottling and cleaning.
- LAW - as relates to the brewer, driver, distillation, drinker, host and household.
- For Apprentice
- COMPARISON - compare four wines and four beers. The wine and beer must be of the same type but from four different countries so that the differences may be noted.
- MISCELLANEOUS - clean equipment, fining agents, racking, aging, and closures.
- For Journeyman
- STRUCTURE - goes over ranking system and decision making structure of the Guild.
- INTERMEDIATE BREWING, VINTING, AND ALCHEMY - question answer session along with additional subjects or topics taught by the Brewmaster.
- For Master
- JUDGING - for competition purposes what is a judge looking for and what is expected at various levels.
- CHAMPAGNE AND CABERNET - recipes and methods to produce these two types of drinks.
- Junior Judge
- 1) Paid member of Guild
- 2) Take judging concepts class
- 3) Take a core class
- 4) Take a 20 question test with a 50% pass. (10)
- 5) Must taste test at least 20 drinks within the core studied, scoring within 20 points of the senior judge, or be bracketed by the judges, 50% of the time.
- 6) A card will be issued for two years if passed and the person may judge any local Brewing contest. May not judge any contest that is Interbaronial, Interkingdom, Pentathlon, or Guild advancement unless there is a Senior Judge on the panel.
- 7) Renewal of card occurs once you fulfill #4 and #5 again OR you judge a contest at least twice during the two years and are signed off by a senior judge at least once.
- Intermediate Judge
- 1) Paid member of the Guild
- 2) Take a core class different than the first one take.
- 3) Take a 30 question test with a 65% pass. (20)
- 4) Must taste test at least 40 drinks of which 30 are of the new core, scoring within 15 points of the Senior judge, or be bracketed by the judges, 60% of the time.
- 5) A card will be issued for five years if passed and the person may judge any local Brewing, Interbaronial, or Interkingdom contest. May not judge any contest that is Pentathlon, or Guild advancement unless there is a Senior Judge on the panel.
- 6) Renewal of card occurs once you fulfill #3 and #4 again OR you judge a contest at least 5 times during the five years and are signed off by a senior judge at least twice.
- Senior Judge
- 1) Paid member of the Guild
- 2) Take last core class left you.
- 3) Take a 50 question test with a 80% pass. (40)
- 4) Must taste test at least 80 drinks of which 40 are of the new core, scoring within 10 points of the Senior judge, or be bracketed by the judges, 70% of the time.
- 5) A permanent card will be issued if passed. A Senior judge is the only level of judge that may do Guild Rank Judging. A Senior Judge may invite any other Guests to participate.
- 6) "Renewal" of the card occurs as long as you judge 1 contest a year.
- Policy #1: March 1990, Council (Guildmaster Einar aus Enwelt, Chronicler Musa, Exchequer Margare, Cellarmaster Lynnette de Sandoval)
- Any member who moves out of the Kingdom:
- (a) Loses all obligations until they have returned;
- (b) Loses all privileges until they have returned;
- (c) See membership listing papers.
- Policy #2: February 2002, Guildmaster (Guildmaster Kurt von Arriksleva)
- All bottles owed upon attainment of rank for use by Guild, Brewmasters or events is deleted.
- Policy #3: December 2004, Guildmaster (Guildmaster Timotheus Zacharia von Schloss Zwilling)
- Upon a Guildmaster stepping down out of office a membership purge cycle shall automatically start.
- Policy #4: April 2005, Guildmistress (Guildmistress Therese of the White Griffin)
- Judge Coordinator shall be an office of the Guild.
- 1) Duties
- (a) Coordinate Judges for contest, working with the contest organizers to provide the number and types of judges required;
- (b) Coordinate judging classes, working with instructors to provide judging classes are required by current and aspiring judges;
- (c) Work with the Secretary to keep the judge rank records up to date. (The Judge Coordinator will use these records to perform their 1st two duties)
- 2) Service Restrictions
- (a) This position can be held concurrent with any other Guild office.
- 3) Term of Office
- (a) The position has a term of two years, with unlimited renewals possible.
- 4) Appointment to Office
- (a) The Judge Coordinator is appointed by a majority vote of the Guild Master, the Guild Secretary, and the current Judge Coordinator. If there is no majority vote (the three offices could reside in two people) a majority vote of the Guild Council will decide the appointment.
- Policy #5: July 2005, Guildmistress (Guildmistress Therese of the White Griffin)
- Any out of Kingdom Laurel, with their primary art in Brewing and a sufficient knowledge of several brewing types, shall be granted the honorary rank fo Brewmaster in the Right Noble Brewers Guild of Caid. After a period of time - to be determined - a council made up of the Guild Brewing Master and/or Officers will then ascertain the newcomer's suitability for the position of Master Brewer in this Guild.
- Also granted is the rank of Intermediate Brewing Judge to this Laurel, if they wish to become one of the Guild's Judges.
- Policy #6: November 2005, Guildmistress (Guildmistress Therese of the White Griffin)
- Once every Seven (7) years the Sr. Brewing Judges shall sit in conclave. Sr. Judges 18 months of less are exempt if so desire.
- (1) The first time shall occur during the first half of 2006.
- (2) Once convened the judges shall judge in secret 15 different drinks. (One from each division.)
- (3) All must score within 15 points of each other, 60% of the time.
- (4) The judges who do not pass Section 3 are temporarily suspended.
- (5) Any judge who is not able to be at this conclave automatically is suspended.
- (6) The conclave shall offer any suspended judge any one o the following options.
- (a) May opt for Intermediate Judge status.
- (b) May appeal to retake conclave test within two months. If granted the conclave shall appoint a Sr. Judge who will administer the test. If fail become an Intermediate Judge.
- (c) Retake the Sr. Judge testing. Must taste test at least 75 drinks of which 25 are of each core, scoring within 10 points of the Senior Judge, or be bracketed by the judges, 70% of the time.
- Updated November 1, 2005