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The Right Noble Brewers' Guild of Caid

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Kingdom of Caid

Requirements for membership or rank

Rank Requirements
  • Pay dues
  • Attend one meeting
  • Class - The Basics
    • Discuss equipment needed for all categories, materials, acids, ingredients, fermentation, closures, bottling, and cleaning
  • Class - The Law
    • Discuss the law as it relates to the brewer, driver, distillation, drinker, host, and household
  • Assist in a brewing
  • Keep membership current, pay dues annually
  • Attend two additional meetings
  • Class - Winery Tour
    • Tour a winery
  • Class - Brewery Tour
    • Tour a brewery
  • Class - Miscellaneous Basics
    • Discuss clean equipment, fining agents, racking, ageing, and closures
  • Class - Comparisons
    • Compare four wines and four beers. The wines and beers must be of the same type but from different countries so that you can see the differences.
  • Make one batch in each of 3 divisions scoring 50+ in each
  • Keep membership current, pay dues annually
  • Attend an additional six meetings (a minimum of two must be Council meetings)
  • Class - Guild Structure
    • Go over the ranking system and the decision-making structure of the Brewers Guild
  • Class - Intermediate Brewing
    • Question and answer session with a Brewmaster
  • Make two batches in each of 7 divisions with scores of 70+
  • Keep membership current, pay dues annually
  • Attend an additional twelve meetings (a minumum of four must be Council meetings)
  • Class - Judging
    • Discuss what a judge looking for and what is expected at various levels of skill
  • Class - Champagne and Cabernet
    • Recipes and methods
  • Declare a primary core group and brew three batches in each division of that core group scoring 80+
  • Declare a second core group and brew two batches in four of its divisions scoring 70+
  • Declare a third core group and brew two batches in three of its divisions scoring 50+
  • Keep membership current, pay dues annually
Core Group - Beers
  1. Top Ferment-Light
  2. Top Ferment-Dark
  3. Bottom Ferment-Light
  4. Bottom Ferment-Dark
  5. Short Mead
Core Group - Wines
  1. Grape
  2. Fruit
  3. Sparkling
  4. Long Mead
  5. Misc (Flower, Herbal, Etc)
Core Group - Alternative
  1. Soda
  2. Fortifieds
  3. Liquers
  4. Vinegars
  5. Special (Khumis, Sauces, Fermented Fruit)
  • Attend an additional twenty four (24) meetings (a minimum of eight (8) must be Council meetings)
  • Write a paper or booklet with council approval and 1) publish as booklet and/or 2) Submit to TI, CA, AC
  • Make two batches in all divisions of the two cores you did not declare as a primary for Master scoring 80+
  • Keep membership current, pay dues annually

Caid Website:
Home | News | Local Groups | Guilds | Regnum | Caid Commons | Newcomers | Library | History | | Royals | Seneschal | Arts & Sciences | Chatelaine | Children | Chirurgeon | Collegium | Chronicler | | Constable | Exchequer | Herald | Lists | Marshal | Webwright | Forum | Wiki

Right Noble Brewers' Guild of Caid Website info, copyright, and contact info