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The Right Noble Brewers' Guild of Caid

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Kingdom of Caid

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To Be a Brewing Judge

You don't have to be a Brewer to be a Brewing Judge. It just takes classes and understanding the various concepts behind the judging.

And you dont' have to become a judge for the classes to be useful! The classes will help you understand what you're tasing, and if you a brewer, help you understand what the judges are looking for.

To that end the Right Noble Brewers Guild of Caid offers classes for those people who might be interested in becoming judges or just interesteing in learning more about how to taste. For those who are already Judges there are classes to upgrade your judging level.

You say "Why would I be interested in being a Judge?"

The benefits are that you will get to taste and drink brew from all over the Kingdom . We have in the past 8 years also had our judges three times get asked by the LA, Riverside, and Orange County Fairs to help Judge.

The Following events need judges and there are others: Estrella, Kings Hunt, Potrero, Darkwell, Highland, GWW. There are also Guild meeting that need judges.

For more info check out our Guild Certified Judges page

The current schedule of classes lis listed below. For details email the Judge Coordinator.

Brew Judging Class Dates for 2016

Concepts Class and Beer Core will be March 27 (Easter Sunday) in Isles at the home of Paul and Gwen.

Varietals Core will be on June 12 (Sunday) in Dreiburgen at the home of Jeanne Marie.

Wine Core will be on August 7 (Sunday) in Dun Or at the home of Nikolai and Alfrun.

Judging Practice will be September 25 (Sunday) in Dreiburgen at the home of Jeanne Marie.

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