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The Right Noble Brewers' Guild of Caid

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Kingdom of Caid

7th Annual Multi-Kingdom Brewing Competition
Great Western War XIV - October 8, 2011


The contest had 30 entries from ? contestants.

Best of Show
Ludwig Mahler von Koln
  Beer Wine Varietal
1st Dafydd at Tomas
BelgiumFarmhouse Ake
Ludwig Mahler von Koln
Bridget Lucia Mackenzie
Peachy Peach Brandy
2nd Sieglinde von der Hohenwüste
Dry Irish Stout
Jakob Halfdanarson
Sweet Mead
Pickles Morgan
Chocolate Red Wine Hippocrass
3rd Grego
Blacctea Ale
Jakob Halfdanarson
Joe's Ancient Orange Mead
Lady Eddie
Malt Vinegar - Ale

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