

Requirements for Guild Ranks


MEMBERSHIP Keep Membership current


MEETINGS Attend one meeting
CLASSES The Basics – Discuss equipment needed for all categories, materials, acids, ingredients, fermentation, closures, bottling, and cleaning
The Law – Discuss the law as it relates to the brewer, driver, distillation, drinker, host, and household
BREWING            Assist in a brewing
MEMBERSHIP    Keep membership current, pay dues annually


MEETINGS Attend two additional meetings
CLASSES Winery Tour – Tour a winery
Brewery Tour – Tour a brewery
Miscellaneous Basics – Discuss clean equipment, fining
agents, racking, ageing, and closures
Comparisons – Compare four wines and four beers. The wines and beers must be of the same type but from different countries so that you can see the differences.
BREWING Make one batch in each of 3 divisions scoring 50+ in each
MEMBERSHIP Keep membership current, pay dues annually


MEETINGS Attend an additional six meetings (a minimum of two must be Council meetings)
CLASSES Guild Structure – Go over the ranking system and the decision-making structure of the Brewers Guild
Intermediate Brewing – Question and answer session with a Brewmaster
BREWING Make two batches in each of 7 divisions with scores of 70+
MEMBERSHIP Keep membership current, pay dues annually


MEETINGS Attend an additional twelve meetings (four must be Council meetings)
CLASSES Judging – Discuss what a judge is looking for and what is expected at various levels of skill
Champagne and Cabernet – Recipes and methods
BREWING Declare a primary core group and brew three batches in each division of that core group scoring 80+
Declare a second core group and brew two batches in four of its divisions scoring 70+
Declare a third core group and brew two batches in three of its divisions scoring 50+
Upon completion, must be approved by 2/3 of the Brewers Guild Council
MEMBERSHIP Keep membership current, pay dues annually


MEETINGS Attend an additional twenty four (24) meetings (a minimum of eight (8) must be Council meetings)
PRESENTATION Write a paper or booklet with council approval and publish as booklet and/or Submit to CROWN PRINTS, TOURNAMENTS ILLUMINATED, COMPLETE ANACHRONIST, or ARTS CAIDIS
BREWING Make two batches in all divisions of the second and third cores declared for Master Brewer rank with scores of 80+
Make 2 batches in three of the divisions of the fourth core with scores of 50+
Upon completion, must be approved by 2/3 of the Brewers Guild Council
OBLIGATIONS Must continue to teach
Must make a reasonable attempt to be available when given prior notice
Must be willing to travel
MEMBERSHIP Keep membership current, pay dues annually