History of the Brewers Guild
The Charter of the Brewers Guild
The Guildmasters of the Brewers Guild
2022-2023 Timotheus Zacharia von Schloss Zwilling
2020-2021 Hallr brjost Starsson
2018-2019 Madeline de la Gate
2016-2017 Hallr brjost Starsson
2014-2015 Reinhardt Medebruer
2012-2013 Donal O’Brien
2010-2011 Reinhardt Medebruer
2008-2009 Donal O’Brien
2007-2008 Therese of the White Griffin
2005-2006 Therese of the White Griffin
2003-2004 Timotheus Zacharia
2001-2002 Kurt von Ariksleva
1999-2000 Therese of the White Griffin
1997-1998 Kurt von Ariksleva
1995-1996 Timotheus Zacharia
1994-1995 Wolf Dietrich
1992-1993 Einar aus Enwelt
1991-1992 Timotheus Zacharia
1990-1991 Einar aus Enwelt
1989-1990 Timotheus Zacharia
1988-1989 Ambros Celidonis
1987-1988 Timotheus Zacharia
1986-1987 Atar Bahktar
The Chronological History
1985 September
Organization meeting held at the abode of Timotheus. 7 Brewmasters present
1985 December
Brewers Council formed. Elections held.
Bylaws confirmed.
Goals established.
Mead making class held.
14 present
1986 January
Guildmaster Atar (GM)
Secretary Yasmeen (AP)
Exchequer Evron (AP)
Cellermaster Einar (M)
Master Ambros Timotheus
Council meets and discusses branches.
Sampling and tasting of Reislings from Germany, France, California, and Washington. Also homebrew.
Discussion of what to look for in a good wine, and how to set up for a tasting.
One batch of mead brewed by the lower ranks with Atar and Timotheus supervising.
1986 March
Tour of Salvang wineries.
No business.
1986 June
Officers shift on Council. 2nd version Bylaws passed. Member tastings of Kahlua, Irish Cream, German Stout, and Concord Port. Class on closures and tastings. Beer making workshop.
1986 September
Council passes 3rd version of Bylaws. Class of Champagne and Sparkling wines. Member tastings.
1986 October
Taught classes at Collegium
1986 December
Council passes 4th version of Bylaws.
Member tasting at Party.
Average Attendance for the year was 13 per meeting.
Members by territory
Angels 7 – 37%
Gyldenholt 6 – 33%
Altavia 5 – 30%
1987 January
Guildmaster Timotheus (M)
Chronicler Yasmeen(AP)
Exchequer Evron (AP)
Cellermaster Einar (M)
Master Ambros (M)
Atar (GM)
1987 February
Brewers Council arranges contest set for Crown.
Contest is for Label and Badge.
Committee formed and instructed.
Member tastings.
Brewmaster teaches a Mead making class to MENSA.
1987 March
Brewers Council discusses delinquent dues.
Grandmaster teaches Mead making class to Beekeepers Ass. of S Cal
1987 April
Tour of Temecula.
1987 June
Brewers Council meets.
Classes on Liquers and Wine judging.
Member Tastings
1987 September
Plans for Crown finalized.
1987 December
Years attendance of membership is 35%
Members by territory
Angels 9 – 38%
Altavia 7 – 30%
Gyldebholt 5 – 20%
Dreiburgen 3 – 12%
1988 January
Guildmaster Ambros (M)
Chronicler Timotheus (M)
Exchequer Margare (AP)
Cellermaster Einar (M)
Master Atar (GM)
1988 June
Discussion about dry sites.
Labels and Badges voted on.
1988 July
Statement about dry sites.
Additions to Bylaws.
Estrella War discussed.
Bylaws signed into Charter I by Dietrich and Deshive.
1988 September
Committees formed for work in several areas.
1988 November
General business. Tastings. Party. Average attendance 40%
1989 January
Guildmaster Timotheus II (M)
Chronicler Musa (AP)
Exchequer Margare (AP)
Cellermaster Einar (M)
Masters Ambros (GM)
Atar (GM)
Brief Council meeting to start Gyldenholt Branch
Branchmaster Kevan
Secretary Rosemary
1989 June
Brewers Council.
Possible event to sponsor.
Charter II signed by Dietrich II and Deshive.
Central Branch started
Branchmaster Timotheus
Secretary Margare
1989 December
Party. Membership is 30 with average attendance of 35%
Members by Territory
Angels 10 33%
Altavia 9 30%
Gyldenholt 6 20%
Dreiburgen 5 17%
1990 January
Guildmaster Einar (M)
Chronicler Musa (AP)
Exchequer Margare (AP)
Cellermaster Lynnette (AP)
Masters Atar (GM)
Timotheus (M)
Branchmaster Kevan (Gyldenholt)
Secretary Rosemary
Branchmaster Margare (Central)
Secretary Timotheus
1990 June
Another attempt at Guild Device. Problems with the Banquet and Ball event are discussed and people working to solve problems.
1990 December
The event that had been scheduled for October had been cancelled.
This meeting went over the problems that had plagued the event and came up with ways to prevent it if another attempt was made.
Membership was 35 with average attendance of 20%.
1991 January
Guildmaster Timoitheus III (M)
Chronicler Gabrielle (AP)
Exchequer Lynnette (AP)
Cellermaster Einar (M)
Masters Atar (GM)
Branchmaster Wolf (Gyldenholt)
Secretary ——-
Central branch disbanded
1991 June
New policies for meetings.
1991 December
Party. Discussion about Charter. Membership is 45 with average attendance of 30%.
Members by Territory
Angels 10 22%
Dreiburgen 10 22%
Altavia 9 20%
Gyldenholt 6 14%
Heatherwyne 4 9%
Lyondemere 4 9%
Calafia 2 4%
1992 January
Guildmaster Einar II (M)
Chronicler Timotheus (M)
Exchequer Lynnette (JNY)
Cellermaster ——-
Masters Atar (GM)
Branchmaster Wolf (Gyldenholt)
Secretary ——-
Creation of Eastern Branch
Branchmaster Gavin
Secretary Kurt
1992 March
Special question answer meeting for membership.
Wolf Dietrich made a Brewmaster.
1992 July
Everyone likes Newsletter.
Courses at Collegium. Upcoming Guild classes described.
1992 September
Creation of Over the Hill Branch
Branchmaster Valeria
Secretary Donn
Recreation of Central Branch
Branchmaster Bjorn
Secretary Sarah
1992 October
Charter III signed by Timothy I and Trista.
Membership is 80 with average attendance of 25%.
1993 January
Guildmaster Timotheus IV (M)
Chronicler ——-
Exchequer Lynnette (JNY)
Cellermaster ——-
Masters Atar (GM)
Branchmaster Wolf (Gyldenholt)
Secretary ——-
Central branch disbanded. Newsletter becomes quarterly.
1993 February
Classes at Collegium.
1993 June
New policies for meetings. Desert Branch attempts to set up.
1993 August
Discussion on changing the Brewing Divisions and class structure.
1993 December
Discussion about Charter.
Membership is 80 with average attendance of 20%
Members by Territory
Eastern Branch
(Dreiburgen-Heatherwyne) 20 25%
Angels 13 17%
Altavia 12 16%
Gyldenholt Branch 10 12%
Over-the-Hill Branch Branch 9 11%
Dun Or 6 7%
Lyondemere 6 7%
Calafia 4 5%
1994 January
Guildmaster Wolf (M)
Chronicler Timotheus (M)
Exchequer Lynnette (JMN)
Cellermaster ——-
Masters Atar (GM)
Branchmaster Gavin (Eastern)
Secretary Kurt
Branchmaster Wolf (Gyldenholt)
Secretary ——-
Branchmaster ——- (Over-the-Hill)
Secretary ——-
1994 March
Several major factions on the discussion of the new Divisions.
1994 July
Everyone liked the newsletters
1994 October
More discussion on the Divisions
1994 December
Membership was 80 with average attendance of 25%.
1995 January
Guildmaster Timotheus V (M)
Chronicler Therese (AP)
Exchequer James (AP)
Cellermaster ——-
Masters Atar (GM)
Branchmaster ——-
Secretary Kurt
Branchmaster Wolf (Gyldenholt)
Secretary ——-
Branchmaster Alesandra (Over-the-Hill)
Secretary Conor
Branchmaster Eoghann (Bobs)
Secretary Clota
1995 March
More discussion on Charter changes.
1995 June
Additional Charter discussion
1995 September
Exchequer office is vacant.
Discussion and passing of two year term for Council officers.
1995 December
Membership was 80 with average attendance of 25%.
1995 December
Divisions and Ranking decided upon.
Collegium classes decided on.
Members by Territory
Eastern Branch
(Dreiburgen-Heatherwyne) 20 33%
Bobs Branch (Nordwach) 20 33%
Gyldenholt Branch 11 16%
Over-the-Hill Branch Branch
(Wintermist) 10 15%
Lyondemere 5 7%
Dun Or 3 4%
Calafia 2 3%
1996 February
10th Anniversary potluck and tasting.
Judging forms and requirements.
1996 April
Chronicler office Vacant.
1996 June
Finalizing all paperwork of the Guild
1996 August
Eoghann takes on the task of restarting the newsletter.
1996 September
Kingdom Brewing Contest.
Signing of Guild Charter IV by Edric and Albra.
1996 November
1997 January
Guildmaster Kurt (JMN)
Chronicler Eoghan (APP)
Exchequer See below
Masters AtarTimotheus
Branchmaster Wolf Dietrich (Gyldenholt)
Secretary ——-
Branchmaster Angus MacMichael (Heatherwyne)
Secretary Kurt von Ariksleva
Branchmaster Alesandra Molotova (Over-the-Hill)
Secretary Conor Andrew McEwan
Branchmaster Clota NiGabhann (BoBS)
Secretary Oriana Nicola Courtenay
Cellermaster Position now dropped.
1997 February
Ran very successful Tavern at GWW I
1997 March
More discussion on all the possible changes to the Charter. Lecture on Fruit wine. Award banquet suggested. Clota becomes Exchequer.
1997 June
Quiet tastings and settling of the Guild
1997 August
The Judges had an unheard of number of entries in Pentathlon to deal with.
1997 October
Winery tour of Philo’s
1997 November
At Coronation the Guild was made a Right Noble Guild
1997 December
Quiet meeting with everyone having a good time
Members by Territory
Bobs Branch (Nordwach) 23 27%
Over-the-Hill Branch Branch (Wintermist) 15 18%
Eastern Branch (Dreiburgen-Heatherwyne 14 17%
Starkhavn 8 10%
Dun Or 7 8%
Altavia 7 8%
Lyondemere 3 4%
Angels 3 4%
Gyldenholt Branch 2 2%
Calafia 1 1%
Isles 1 1%
1998 January
“Walking the Boards” Party
1998 March
Darach tries to start a Guild Branch.
Guild council meeting at their setup meeting.
1998 June
Working on trying to get outlying areas involved with the Guild
1998 August
Working on trying to get outlying areas involved with the Guild
1998 November
Verify Officers.
Voting for next slate of Officers.
1999 January
Guildmistress Therese (JMN)
Chronicler Eoghan (APP)
Exchequer Clota (APP)
Masters Atar
Branchmaster Angus MacMichael (Heatherwyne)
Secretary Kurt von Ariksleva
Branchmaster Alesandra Molotova (Over-the-Hill)
Secretary Conor Andrew McEwan
Branchmaster Clota NiGabhann (BoBS)
Secretary Oriana Nicola Courtenay
Gyldenholt Branch is shut down- no activity and Branchmaster is involved with preparing to move. “Walk the Boards” party.
1999 March
Tomiki and Lucianna sign the Charter V.
1999 July
Council at Darkwell War. Invest a new Branch-Dun Or with Branchmistress Linda del Lago and judging of the Brews on site.
Problems happening due to rulings by Kingdom Seneschal.
1999 October
GWW III Ran two tastings.
1999 December
“Walk the Boards” Party
Members by Territory
Bobs Branch (Nordwach) 13 27%
Over-the-Hill Branch Branch (Wintermist) 10 15%
Eastern Branch (Dreiburgen-Heatherwyne) 9 13%
Starkhavn 8 12%
Dun Or 7 10%
Altavia 7 10%
Lyondemere 3 4%
Angels 3 4%
Gyldenholt Branch 2 3%
Calafia 1 1%
Lemoore 1 1%
2000 May
Major rewrite for Guild Charter.
Due to Bob’s Branch failure and Officers dropping out several new officers had to be found.
The Guild was still reeling from the blows from Kingdom.
A lot of work was being done to counter the problems.
2000 July
Darkwell War, Council and Judging of War Brewing Contest.
Guild paperwork was in a bad state and a lot of documents were missing.
With special work over the next two years using personal notes many of the documents would be relocated or “recreated”
2000 September
Continued work to rebuild Guild and counter Kingdom problems
2000 October
Sponsored Tea at GWW
2000 November
Continued work to rebuild Guild and counter Kingdom problems
2001 January
Guildmaster Kurt II (JMN)
Chronicler ——-
Secretary Timotheus (M)
Exchequer Lynnette (JMN)
Masters Atar
Branchmaster Angus MacMichael (Heatherwyne)
Secretary Jeanne Maria
Branchmaster Alesandra Molotova (Over-the-Hill)
Secretary Conor Andrew McEwan
Branchmaster Linda del Lago (Dun Or)
Secretary ——-
“Walk the Boards” Party
2001 April
Brewing Judge Class 5 attendees
2001 July
Darkwell War Judging and Council Meeting
2001 October
Paperwork almost recovered and is at point where copies of everything is being passed about to help prevent loss.
2001 December
“Walking the Boards” Party well attended with 23 Members by Territory
Over-the-Hill Branch (Wintermist) 11 19%
Eastern Branch
(Dreiburgen-Heatherwyne) 10 18%
Dun Or Branch 8 13%
Altavia 8 13%
Lyondemere 4 7%
Nordwache 4 7%
Starkhavn 4 7%
Angels 4 7%
Gyldenholt 3 5%
Calafia 2 3%
Lemoore 1 1%
2002 January
Charter VI signed by Edric III and Catalina
2002 February
Created new Angels Branch.
Purged membership.
Guild Booth went well with possible new members.
Discussion on handouts.
Discussion about web page.
Our forms were used at a County Fair tasting.
2002 April 13
Kings Hunt Judging and Council Meeting
2002 April 20
2002 June
Festival of the Rose-booth
2002 July
Darkwell Council and Judging
2002 August
Kingdom Arts-booth
2003 January
Guildmaster Timotheus (M)
Chronicler Therese (JMN)
Secretary ——-
Exchequer Lynnette (JMN)
Masters Atar
Branchmaster Jeanne Marria (Heatherwyne)
Secretary ——-
Branchmaster Lishka (Over-the-Hill)
Secretary ——-
Branchmaster Linda del Lago (Dun Or)
Secretary ——-
Branchmaster Therese (Angels)
Secretary Agnarr
“Walk the Boards” Party
2003 April
Kings Hunt – Judging of Contest.
Council at Inland Empire Branch
2003 July
Darkwell War Judging and Council Meeting
2003 September
Crown Tourney-Info Table
2003 October
Kingdom Guild meeting at GWW.
A couple of Policy changes discussed
2003 December
“Walking the Boards” Party well attended with 23
Members by Territory
Eastern Branch
(Dreiburgen-Heatherwyne) 15
Nordwache 12
Altavia 11
Angels 10
Lyondemere 8
Dun Or Branch 3
Over-the-Hill Branch (Wintermist) 1
Starkhavn 1
Gyldenholt 1
2004 January
“Walking the Boards” Party and classes
2004 April
Kings Hunt – Judging of Contest.
Council at Wintermist
2004 July
Darkwell War Judging and Council Meeting
2004 September
Guild Council in Angels
2004 October
GWW, Contest and Guild meeting
Grandmaster 1
Brewmaster 1
Journeyman 7
Apprentice 9
Novice 25
Member 37
2005 January
“Walking the Boards”,
classes, judging, rank promotions
Guildmistress Mistress Therese of the White Griffin
Chronicler Lord Agnarr Kloengsson
Exchequer THLord Donal O’Brien
Masters Master Atar
Master Timotheus
Branchmaster Dona Linda Del Lago (Dun Or)
BranchScribe Lord Sigmund Svertingsson (Dun Or)
Branchmaster THLady Jeanne Marie Lacroix (Inland Empire)
BranchScribe Lady Elspeth Charissa aus Reinwald (Inland Empire)
Branchmaster Lady Lishka Cheglokova (Over the Hill)
BranchScribe ——- (Over the Hill)
Branchmaster Lord Balthazar van der Brugghe (Angels)
BranchScribe ——- (Angels)
Branchmaster Lord Tighearnan Cearrbhach O’Faolain (Lyondemere)
BranchScribe Lady Christina O’Cleary (Lyondemere)
2005 April
Guild Meeting at House Zacharia (hosted by Master Timotheus and Mistress Lynnette, judging
2005 July
Guild Meeting in Lyondemere (hosted by Master Tofi), class, judging
Darkwell War judging
2005 October
Great Western War 9 Brewing Contest
2005 November
Guild Meeting at White Wolf Meadery (hosted by Lady Ingilborg)
Created the new Starkhafn Branch
2005 December
“Walking the Boards” party, class, judging, rank promotion
2006 February
Guild Meeting at House Zacharia (hosted by Master Timotheus and Mistress Lynnette, class, judging, introduction of 2 new members
2006 April
Spring Crown Tourney, booth, judging
2006 June
Guild Meeting at House Zacharia (hosted by Master Timotheus and Mistress Lynnette),
report of Guild activies for the past quarter, judging, introduction of a new brewer, classes
2006 September
Guild Meeting at Fall Crown Tourney held in the Canton of Gallavally, Barony of Dreiburgen.
There was a very quick review of Guild activities for the past quarter and some judging.
2006 October
Great Western War was cancelled this year due to site issues.
The Great Western War Brewing Contest has been postponed to 2007.
2006 November
Guild Meeting at White Wolf Meadery (hosted by Lady Ingilborg).
A number of new people attended.
There were reports for each branch, lots of food, and a great deal of judging.
2006 December
Journeyman Kurt von Arriksleva has passed away.
He was a valued member of the Caid Brewers Guild.
A Journeyman brewer, two time Guild Master, three time Guild Secretary, one time Guild Chronicler, Senior Judge, and the Guild’s beer judging expert.
As well a heck of nice guy.
He was one of the longest termed members of the guild, having joined in our 3rd year, 18 years ago.
He has been a source of energy, “out of the box thinking”, and hard work in the guild.
He will be sorely missed.
2007 January
“Walking the Boards” party was held at Baroness Jeanne Marie’s house.
Eight classes taught, about 25 brews judged, and a good number of people promoted in rank.
Baroness Therese has agreed to continue as Guildmistress for another year.
Lady Alais de St Germain is the Guild’s new Scribe.
2007 April
Guild Meeting for the second quarter was held at Crown Tourney in Starkhafn.
There was a light turnout to the meeting.
2007 May
The Starkhafn branch is dissolved.
2007 July
The third quarter Guild Meeting was hosted by Reinhardt Medebruer and Alais de St Germain.
A few people showed up for a quick business meeting and judging a number of fine brews.
2007 October
The 3rd Annual InterKingdom Brewing Competition was held at Great Western War X.
The contest had 38 entries from 15 contestants. The Best of Show was Baroness Jeanne Marie Lacroix’s Raspberry Vinegar.
2007 November
The fourth quarter Guild Meeting was hosted by Master Tim and Mistress Lynnette.