Library: Recipes & Research
- Core 1: Beer & Cider Recipes
- Core 2: Wine & Mead Recipes
- Core 3: Varietal Recipes: Soda, Fortified, Liqueur, Vinegar
- Core 4: Fermented Foods: Fruit & Vegetables, Meat & Seafood, Cheese, Sauce, Bread Recipes
- Recipe Collections
- Age, Clarity, and Smoke in Medieval Beers*
- Anglo-Saxon and Viking Brewing*
- The London and Country Brewer* 1736. Project Gutenberg
- Master Terafan Greydragon’s Beer Recipes of the Month* German Wheat Beer and William Harrison’s Wife’s Ale
- Recreating Medieval English Ales* by Tofi Kerthjalfadsson, a recreation of late 13th – 14th c. unhopped English ales.
- Sahti – A Remnant of Finland’s Rustic Past – Brewing*
- Boysenberry Mead* by Lynnette de Sandoval
- Master Terafan Greydragon’s Mead (or Honey based) Recipes – several mead recipes*
Core 3: Varietals – Soda, Fortified, Liqueur, Vinegar
- Almond Liqueur* by Lynnette de Sandoval
- Brandied Lemonade (PDF) by Donal O’Brien
- Chocolate Covered, Almond Stuffed, Brandied Cherries* by Lynnette de Sandoval
- Basic Hippocras Recipe (PDF) by Donal O’Brien
- Pyment* (aka Ypocras, Hypocrass) by Lynnette de Sandoval
- Rumtopf * by Lynnette de Sandoval, aka Drunken Fruit or Fermented Fruit – it’s an easy way to preserve fruit
- Sekanjabin (aka oxymel)* from Thomasina Coke’s SCA adventures blog
- Drinks * an article from Cariadoc’s Miscellany, including Sekanjabin, Small Mead, and others
- Summer Sekanjabin * from Hextilda, A SCAdian Adrift blog
- Summer Herbal Oxymel [AKA Sekanjabin]] Recipes & Benefits * from Mountain Rose Herbs blog
- Make Your Own Sodas* by Timotheus Zacharia von Schloss Zwilling
- To Make a Turmeric / Ginger Bug Starter for Lacto-fermented Sodas (PDF) by Kungund Benehonig
- Syrups, By Primary Ingredient Compiled by Baroness Selene Colfox, 30+ Medieval syrup recipes. They use: sugar, honey, vinegar, flowers, fruit, and/or herbs.
- Brewed Holiday Gift Ideas* by Lynnette de Sandoval
Core 4: Fermented Foods – Fruit & Vegetables, Meat & Seafood, Cheese, Sauce, Bread
- Cucumber Pickles (PDF) by Selene Colfax
- Labneh yogurt (PDF) by Selene Colfox, Labneh is yogurt with much of the whey removed, more solid than “Greek-Style Yogurt.”
- Basic Lacto-Fermenting Sauerkraut w/ Kringle Kraut (PDF) by Kungund Benehonig
- The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened by Kenelm Digby* 1669. Project Gutenberg
- Medieval Brewers Home Page* Articles and recipes
- Medieval/Renaissance Brewing Homepage*: Primary sources, references, articles, newsletters, recipes, and more
- The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet* 1670. Project Gutenberg
- Cindy Renfrow – A Sip Through Time* 2 meath and 2 beer recipes